Sunday, 7 December 2014

Updates - 07/12/2014

Today I have been adding in path nodes and player starts in an effort to make AI bots utilise all areas of the map, I have also modified the doors to open horizontally.
I have inserted the 16 player starts into my map appropriately spaced and positioned far enough apart to make sure deaths are not too frequent but not infrequent either, improving the pacing of a regular deathmatch. This may not yet be perfect and I will continue working on the pacing until it is appropriate with not just bots but human users also. The player starts in turn require more Path Nodes to be inserted.
Having modified the door to open horizontally, I feel it will improve both pacing and bring the chance of exploitation of choke points down, stopping people hiding behind doors even more so than previously.

I have now successfully integrated the use of doors with regards the AI. I originally had issues caused by the breaking of the link between path nodes when meshes were placed in between them acting as the door mover.
To rectify this issue, I modified three things, the mesh location, animation and the trigger, the meshes now start apart and upon the map loading, animate to come together. This allows me to link two path nodes through the open door in the editor viewport, making sure the line between nodes is green signalling an active link.
After the link was made the meshes were animated and linked to the 'level loaded' trigger, a touch trigger was added, when touched, the animation is set to reverse which opens the doors, and when untouched the animation will play again, closing the doors afterward.

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